
Araştırma Görevlisi, Dr. Bilal Yıldırım

Bilal Yıldırım is research assistant of international relations in the Department of International Relations at Sakarya University, Middle East Institute. He received his BA degree from Kadir Has University (2007) and MA degree from İstanbul University (2011); he is also Ph. D. candidate in the Department of International Relations at Sakarya University (since 2011). He has attended various workshops and study groups (Diplomacy, Modern Political Thought, Secularization, World History, History of Social Thought, Political Philosophy, Strategic Depth Discussions) at Foundation for Sciences and Arts in Istanbul (since 2003). His academic interest focuses on Social Theory, Social Constructivism, International Relations Theories, Political Science, Political Philosophy, History, Historical Philosophy, Scientific Philosophy, Democracy, the Middle East, and Turkish Foreign Policy. He is member of Middle East Yearbook Editorial Board, and member of Crisis and Critique Organization Committee. He learnt Arabic at the Arabic Program for Non-native Speakers in Qatar University in 2015-2016.

Academic Studies and Publications:                                                                 

  • Bilal Yıldırım (2017), "CNN International", 15 Temmuz Darbe Girişim ve Batı Medyası, ed. İsmail Numan Telci, et als., SETA Publications, ss.51-61.
  • Bilal Yıldırım (2015), "Libya 2014″, Middle East Yearbook 2014, No: 10, Year 10, ss. 379-402.
  • Bilal Yıldırım (2014), "New Policy Style in Turkish Foreign Policy: From Multidimensional to Asabiyya Policy in the Middle East", Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 1, No: 1, May 2014, ss. 57-79.
  • Bilal Yıldırım (2014), "Jordan 2013″, Middle East Yearbook 2013, No 9, Year 9, ss. 221-249.
  • Bilal Yıldırım, "Kuwait 2010", Middle East Yearbook 2010, ed. Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman, İsmail Numan Telci, Açılım Yayınları, İstanbul 2011.
  • Bilal Yıldırım, "United Arab Emirates 2008", Middle East Yearbook 2008, (eds) Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman, Burhanettin Duran, Küre Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, ss. 9-47.
  • Bilal Yıldırım, "United Arab Emirates 2007", Middle East Yearbook 2007, (eds) Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman, Murat Yeşiltaş, Küre Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, ss. 1-29.
  • Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman, Fuat Aydın ve Bilal Yıldırım (Eds.), Middle East Yearbook 2011, Açılım Yayınları, İstanbul 2012.
  • "Uluslararası Yapının Sosyal İnşası: XX. Yüzyıl Sistemik Kültürünün Normları ve Örgütleri" (Social Construction of International Structure: Norms and Organizations of Twentieth Century Systemic Culture), MA Thesis, Istanbul University, 2011.

Book Reviews

  • Aminah Beverly Mccloud, Scott W. Hibbard (eds), An Introduction to Islam in the Twenty-First Century, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 1, No: 1, May 2014, s. 185-187.
  • Ali Balcı, Türkiye Dış Politikası, Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 1, No: 2, 2014, s. 183-189
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