
Okutman Ma'en Ahmed Ali

Worked as a Lecturer of Arabic Language at Middle East institute, Sakarya University, and pursuing his PhD at Faculty of Islamic Sharia, Quran Interpretation Department. He previously worked as a lecturer and teacher of Arabic Language at many institutions in and outside Turkey. Beside Arabic Language, area of specialization includes Quran Interpretation, Sciences of Quran and Theology.

Research Papers:

  • Interpretation of Ibn Juzay' | objective study.
  • Money in Surat al-Anfal and Surat Al-tawbah | objective study.

Practical experience, courses and certificates:

  • Teaching Arabic language for different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced) for non-native speakers.
  • Using different educational series in Arabic language teaching for non-native speakers
  • Conducting different educational and recreational programs for students in Jordan
  • Training course in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers
  • Degree in Islamic Sharia sciences (grammar - faith - mysticism - Fiqh).
  • Degree in recitation of Quran.