
Araştırma Görevlisi, Dr. Berkan Özgür

Berkan Öğür graduated from Sociology Department at Sakarya University in 2011. He started his MA degree in same department of Sakarya University in 2012. In following year, he started to work as a research assistant at the Institute of Social Sciences of Sakarya University. He has started his doctorate in 2013 and his studies focus on the Kurdish Question, Geopolitics of Kurdistan Geography, Diaspora Movements and the secular movements in the Middle East. He speaks English and French.

Master Thesis

Kurdistan Representations in PKK's texts as a Dissident Geopolitical Discourses (1982 – 2013)

Research Interests

Kurdish issue, Kurdish Diaspora in Europe, Muslim Diaspora, Critical Geopolitics, Social Movements, Ethnicity Studies, Secularism, Algerian politics.


  • "Geopolitical Discourse in Kurdistan Maps", Turkish Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol: 1, No: 2, 2014″
  • Algeria 2014, in Middle East Yearbook 2014, Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman (Ed.), 2015. (Turkish)
  • "The Discourse of Multiculturalism and the Transformations of Nationalism", The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management, 2016 Volume: XI Spring, 2016. (Turkish)
  • Algeria 2015, in Middle East Yearbook 2014, Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman (Ed.), 2016. (Turkish)

Conference Presentations

  • "The Discourse of Multiculturalism and the Transformations of Nationalism", International Conference on Knowledge, Economy and Managment, 2013.
  • "The representations of Kurdistan as a geographical imagination", Middle Eastern Congress, 2014.
  • "Military Coup and Algerian Civil War in the Absence of Democracy", III. Middle Eastern Congress, 2016.
  • "ABD gözünden "makbul Kürt": Seküler olan mı, savaşçı olan mı?" – VIII. International Uludag Congress, 28-29 November 2016.

Book Review

  • "La France de l'integration", Dominique Schnapper, Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi, Vol. 8, Sayı 2, 2013.
  • Ortadoğu'da Devlet ve İktidar: Otoriter Rejimler Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Ortadoğu Analiz, Kasım-Aralık Cilt 6, Sayı 65, 2014.
  • "Kürtler ve Kürdistan Tarihi", Ortadoğu Analiz, Mart-Nisan Sayı: 61, 2014.

Reports and Analyses

  • "Kuzey Irak - Türkiye İlişkileri PKK, Güvenlik ve İşbirliği", Zana Baykal ve Ali Balcı ile birlikte, 2013.


  • Cezayir'de Yeni Kabine: Ekonomik Kriz ve Sancılı Dönüşüm,
  • Çözüm sürecini Lice olaylarıyla yeniden düşünmek


  • The origins of radicalism in Middle East, (Researcher), IRCICA, 2016.


E-mail: berkanozgur@sakarya.edu.tr

Phone:0 (264) 295 3610