
This study discusses strategic narratives of Saudi Arabia and Iran through the example of the Yemeni Civil War (2011-2021). During their regional power struggle, the two countries construct their narratives against each other by means of the media. The strategic narratives of Saudi Arabia and Iran are examined at three levels: issue, identity and system narratives. The research...
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحليل سياسات ثلاث دول خليجية، هي: الإمارات وقطر والسعودية تجاه أفغانستان. وتجادل الدراسة بأن لدى كل من السعودية والإمارات تخوفات؛ أهمها التقارب بين طالبان وإيران، وموجات اللجوء المحتملة...
تتناول هذه الدراسة سياسة إيران تجاه أفغانستان، فتعرض أولًا سياسة إيران في أفغانستان في الفترة التي كانت تعطي الأولوية لانسحاب القوات الأمريكية من المنطقة، ثم تناقش ردود أفعال إيران وضبطها لموقفها وموقعها بعد...
ABSTRACT Where does Turkey geographically belong, the Middle East or Eastern Europe? This was a looming puzzle for the architects of the Cold War to solve in the early 1950s. This was so because Turkey's region would dramatically affect the composition of members in the UN Security Council. Although Turkey was elected to the Council from the Middle East region in 1950, it moved...
Abstract Following the Second World War, Turkey vigorously pursued a policy of effective participation in international institutions. As part of this policy, Turkish diplomats campaigned for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council in the year 1948. This article aims to provide descriptive information about this campaign and explain why Turkey lost the election in the UN...
Abstract Long neglected in international relations (IRs), the Ottoman Empire is now getting the attention it deserves. Leaving its "Westphalian straitjacket" behind, the discipline has finally taken a keen interest in non-Western and historical cases. However, the discipline has long focused disproportionately on the Chinese tributary system and produced a large body of literature...
Filistin'in siber becerileri hala oluşum aşamasındadır. Öte yandan İsrail'in siber kapasitesi Filistin'in yeni gelişmekte olan becerileri kıyaslanamaz. Zira İsrail'in siber becerileri üst düzeyde ve uluslararası ölçektedir. Filistin-İsrail arasındaki siber mücadelenin en önemli araçları arasında siber korsanlık ve Facebook operasyonları yer almaktadır....
Tarih boyunca insanoğlu, su kaynaklarının etrafında yerleşmiş ve ilk medeniyetler önemli su kaynaklarının etrafında kurulmuştur. Medeniyetlere ev sahipliği yapan su kaynakları, ayrıca bu medeniyetler arasında ilk sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi vb. etkileşimlerin kurulmasında da etkili olmuştur. İnsanoğlunun ihtiyaçlarının artması ve çeşitlenmesinin...
Abstract This study aims to explain how a segment Kurdish nationalists in Syria imitates and substitutes the Westphalian conception of sovereign statehood in Syria. It argues that the Partiya Yekîtiya Democrat (PYD-an offshoot of the PKK in Syria) establishes its rule both by mimicking and substituting modern tools of state-making. The study identifies a three-pronged...
