
ABSTRACT The United States Congress enacted CAATSA in 2017 to impose various restrictions on traditional rivals of the United States, which, however, was also imposed on a long-term strategic ally, Turkey, in December 2020. How can the application of sanctions designated for strategic rivals and enemies on an ally be explained? This article incorporates the hierarchy theory with...
Mehmet Rakipoğlu, ABD Başkanı Joe Biden'ın temmuz ayında planlanan Orta Doğu turu öncesi bölgedeki dinamikleri AA Analiz için kaleme aldı. *** ABD'nin 46. Başkanı Joe Biden'ın temmuzun ortasında Orta Doğu'ya bir dizi ziyaret gerçekleştireceği açıklandı. Cumhuriyetçi veya Demokrat tüm ABD başkanları Orta Doğu ziyaretlerinde İsrail ve Suudi Arabistan'a...
ABSTRACT The concept of the security dilemma, which was developed in the 1950s based on inter-state wars, was applied to civil wars to explain the cause of intra-state conflicts after the end of the Cold War. These applications have criticized for violating the key components emphasized by the original theory. The flaws of the literature have led to the generalization that the...
ABSTRACT The concept of the security dilemma, which was developed in the 1950s based on inter-state wars, was applied to civil wars to explain the cause of intra-state conflicts after the end of the Cold War. These applications have criticized for violating the key components emphasized by the original theory. The flaws of the literature have led to the generalization that the...
Abstract When does the war party win in the decision-making process? Why does the peace party lose even if war is too risky? In this article, we show that certain balancing acts of the peace party might increase the confidence of the war party. We examine how the Ottoman Empire's risky Crimean War decision and its war declaration against Russia on 4 October 1853 were shaped by...
Abstract When does the war party win in the decision-making process? Why does the peace party lose even if war is too risky? In this article, we show that certain balancing acts of the peace party might increase the confidence of the war party. We examine how the Ottoman Empire's risky Crimean War decision and its war declaration against Russia on 4 October 1853 were shaped by...
Sahip olduğu jeopolitik konum ve yüzölçümü itibarıyla Afrika kıtasının kilit aktörlerinden birisi olan Cezayir, siyasi, ekonomik ve askeri alanlarda Türkiye için elverişli ve uzun soluklu pek çok iş birliği sahasını içinde barındıran bir ülke konumundadır. Libya meselesi başta olmak üzere günümüz bölgesel krizlerine benzer perspektiften yaklaşan iki...
