
The Middle East has been experiencing a changing status quo and renewed alliances. Traditional allies change sides and establish new partnerships with other regional and international actors. Relations between Egypt and the United States have increasingly begun to be assessed in this context. The U.S. does not hide its discomfort with some of the foreign policy choices that Egypt...
On Nov. 24, Egyptians witnessed one of the most brutal massacres in their country's recent history. In Egypt's northern Sinai region, militants attacked a mosque affiliated with the region's major Jaririya Sufi order. The attack claimed the lives of at least 309 civilians who were attending the Friday sermon at Al-Rawda Mosque in the town of Bir al-Abd. Despite silence from major...
While Putin's announcement of withdrawal from Syria was to convey the message that Russia had won the war and is withdrawing most of its military personnel, the country is scheduled to hold presidential elections in 2018 and Putin, naturally, wants his "victories" to serve him in the election. Following the announcement made on last Monday, Putin's decision to withdraw the Russian...
So, who are the winners and losers of the civil war, which is in its seventh year, and which parties are preparing to end through the Geneva process? It is rumored that the Syrian Civil War is almost at its end. Both sides no longer have as many moves on the battle field and the country's future is said to be determined by diplomacy. Only time will show whether or not this is...
Saudi Arabian politics has witnessed a number of highly unusual events in recent years. Most recently, the "Commission for Investigation of Corruption" presided over by the Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman decided to question dozens of businessmen, including several Saudi princes and billionaires. The decision taken by the commission on corruption and the political earthquake it...
During a period in which Qatar is subject to regional isolation, where Turkey is busy in ruling out immediate threats as part of its foreign policy, and where the political bloc inclined to the Muslim Brotherhood is in eclipse across the Middle East, the most reasonable strategy Hamas could adopt in order to remain as an element of the equation was to agree on the unity...
Confronting each other in the power struggles taking place in Syria and Iraq, Ankara and Tehran have seen that the picture emerging while the cloud of dust spread by Daesh in Syria and Iraq is about to dissolve, constitutes a serious threat to both countries' security-related interests. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's latest visit to Iran put a spotlight on Turkey-Iran...
For the past five days, the Gulf region has been experiencing one of its most serious political crises in recent history. Early on Monday, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain cut diplomatic relations with Qatar in an apparent attempt to isolate the country. In addition to these three countries, Egypt, Libya, Yemen; the island nations of Maldives and Mauritius;...
For Turkey, who accomplished a great deal in her fight against the PKK within domestic borders, it is unacceptable for this terrorist group, which seeks to find a de facto state in northern Syria with the support of the U.S., to enhance its influence towards northern Iraq. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) held a referendum for independence on Monday despite the objections...
The fundamental reason for Ankara's close interest in Iraq is the country's failure to ensure security within its own territory and its failure to prevent the PKK's deployment in northern Iraq. Iraq has lately been the focal point of world politics due to the discussions regarding the Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum, which has been urged by the Kurdistan Regional...
