Turkish Journal of Middle East Studies Vol.11 No. 1

Editör(ler): İ.Aytaç Kadıoğlu
Detaylı Bilgi
Determinants of Leader Visits: A Review and Future Directions in Scholarship

Ali Balcı
Does Leadership Matter? Ahmadinejad, Rouhani, and the Change in Iranian Foreign Policy

Çağla Lüleci-Sula
“Co-Radicalization”: A Scientific Lens Proposal to Understand the Social Movements in Turkey

Ayhan Kaya, Metin Koca
The Sudan's Incorporation into the Capitalist World-Economy through Modern Cultivation and Trade of Cotton

Abdullah Muhsin Yıldız
One Universal Civilization: Superiority and Eurocentric Conception of the Rest

Fadi Zatari, Omar Fili
Türkiye’s and the EU’s Coordinated and Divergent Approaches to the 2011 Syrian Crisis

Yusuf Avar
İran Kadın Hareketi'nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Gelişimi

Rukiye Tınas, Esin Erginbaş Tok
Book Review: ABD Hegemonyasına Meydan Okuma: Türk Dış Politikasında Otonomi Arayışı (1964-75)

Ayşe Hazar
Book Review: İran’da Değişim Siyaseti: Hatemi Döneminde Reform Mücadelesi

Ahmet Kayhan Yıldız
Book Review: Iraq: Power, Institutions, and Identities

Emre Özgür