
Serra Can

In 2014, Serra Can graduated from the faculty of theology of Sakarya University, where she currently pursues her master's studies at the Middle East Institute. Moreover, from 2015 on she began working as a research assistant at this department. Can, who held an internship for five months offered by the German Bundestag (IPS, International Parliamentary Scholarship), is interested in the European Union's Middle East politics and global jihad.

Languages: German (advanced), English (advanced), French (intermediate), Arabic (intermediate)


Book Reviews

Ufuk Ulutaş, The State of Savagery: ISIS in Syria, Insight Turkey, Vol. 18, No. 4, Fall 2016, pp. 219-221.

William McCants, The ISIS Apocalypse: The History, Strategy, And Doomsday Vision of the Islamic State, The Middle East Yearbook 2015, June 2016, pp. 523-525.

Peter Feldbauer, Die Islamische Welt 600-1250: Ein Frühfall von Unterentwicklung?, USȖL Islamic Researches, Issue 16, July-December 2011, pp. 199-202. (in Turkish)


Almanya'da FETÖ Yapılanması ve Almanya'nın FETÖ Politikası", SETA Yayınları 79, I. baskı, 2017, pp. 17-21, http://setav.org/assets/uploads/2017/03/AlamanyaFeto_Rapor_.pdf (in Turkish)

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